Published on the 15th of Octobers, 2011.
By Chidi Nwachukwu.Esq.
Any patriotic Nigerian will like to see Nigerians enjoy electricity
without tears,and President GoodLuck
Johnathan appeared to have been so telepathic as to answer the prayers
of Nigerians by his recent appointment of Dr Sam Amadi to head Nigerian Electricity
Regulatory Commission NERC.The news came as a big relief to majority of Nigerians especially those who
may have had one or two encounters with Amadi,a powerful public
policy expert. It is no longer news that Amadi has a rich academic background having been
trained at Havard University for his masters Degree in Law LLM,and Phd specifically.he also has a masters Degree
in public policy and Management MPPM from the Kenedy school of
Government,Havard University,USA.
But beyond academics, Amadi
is a pragmatist with a fertility of mind and deep understanding of issues
is it relates to the economy and public good,a quest that gave birth to
the CPPR, Centre for public policy and research based in Lagos of which he was
the Executive Director .The CPPR as a policy think Tank played a leading role in the privatization
process by drawing Government attention
to the rule of law in the privatization
implementation in Nigeria through high
powered public fora, often involving
Government people and civil society. Again Amadi is an ardent believer in adding value and delivering the goods rather
than any paper qualification. He has often demonstrated this by the manner he
assign duties to those around him, he is
rather impressed by efficiency than any
paper qualification. This is one attitude that is not very common in our work
environment in Nigeria. Lots of Nigerians are in the habit of gathering degrees
by whatever means without adding value to society save for salary increase
in their offices. My then Professor Uchegbu at the University of Lagos described these set of people as functional illiterates.
However, that is a matter for another day.
Issues of Electricity has become a guarguatan problem to the
Nigerian state ,and it is so critical to
the economy that it must be fixed from all angles no matter how long and hard
it will take. Since assumption of office by president Johnathan ,there seems to
be some signs of improvement from various quarters which must be sustained if
the country will ever experience a buoyant
economy, poverty reduction, unemployment and other myriads
of problems associated with
poor or unavailable power supply.
However improved power supply as been
experienced in most quarters must not
come at a heavy price, and that is what NERC will ensure. Fortunately for Nigerians
Dr. Amadi is a great advocate of regulation not just as a prerequisite for
economic sustainance but as a human right concern .And from
the perspective of poverty alleviation, regulatory capacity will
ensure basic services to the poor at
affordable price. Regulation according to Amadi
is to protect the public from the juggernauts of market forces.
I still recall that
the workshop organized in 2006 at Rock view Hotel in Abuja by the CPPR led by Amadi dwelt very much on regulation of
services after privatization. It posited
that all the gains of privatization can become a chimera if the regulatory environment is
not clarified, that regulation help to
overcome the dangers of privatization, including
that privatization may become a process of creating a monopoly or entrenching
an un unfair market power. From the perspective of poverty and human rights, regulation is important as a control on privatization
to ensure that it does not work to aggravate poverty. Using the Telecom sector
as an example of poor regulation, the workshop highlighted the high price of
tariff in that sector even as Nigeria was
one of the fastest growing mobile phone
users in the world, yet the cost of doing business with telephone was still
outrageous .
Patriotic Nigerians have always looked forward to the
day when appointments will be made based
on experience and expertise and this is one of it. Likes attracts likes and
President Johnathan who himself has a rich academic background has demonstrated in this appointment that he
means well for Nigeria. Dr.Sam is a good
Christian and a very humble person just as Johnathan himself. Both also believe
in merits, the reason why the president signed the recent Electoral Act even
when it was perceived to be against his interest. He wanted to join the race on
his own merits and not with any influence whatsoever, he wanted his
achievements to speak for him and thank God that most Nigerians have attained
such political maturity as to jettisoned their long held Religious or tribal
sentiments to embracing merits and integrity. For indeed, that is the only way
Nigeria can make appreciable progress.I
could still recall the statement made by the president sometime midyear when he
attended the first convocation ceremony of Gombe State University,he said that
he noticed something unique about the university which was that he did not see
people on the list of Honourary Degrees as it was common with most universities
in Nigeria. He stated that Honourary Degrees are meant for people who have
genuinely contributed to society meaningfully and not otherwise. Such statement can only come out from someone who is merit driven.
We need qualified people in every area of our National life
and not just in the Electricity sector, and for those of us who has been
opportuned to work with Dr.Amadi at one time or the other, this appointment is
certainly a boost and a good omen in the
electricity sector and indeed Nigeria,it is also a time to prosecute his
convictions for the benefits of Nigerians.
Nwachukwu,a legal
practitioner wrote in from the Kebbi
State capital BirninKebbi.
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